Crisis Management

Periods of corporate distress yield unique, unexpected, and fast-moving strategic challenges.  Vuelta Management works with business owners and management to understand and overcome these challenges by utilizing a structured, process-driven approach.

Critical to this approach is our thorough and objective evaluation of the business to determine the root causes of the organization’s distress.  This comprehensive evaluation provides the basis for a plan that targets the tough issues confronting Management and helps point to a course of action to best meet the needs of all Stakeholders.

Cash is King.  As part of our evaluation,
Vuelta Management performs an in-depth analysis of the company’s financial position.  Our team develops financial statement and cash flow forecasts, highlighting key improvement opportunities to help Management understand and resolve critical stress points.

"Some people seem to think there's no trouble just because it hasn't happened yet. If you jump out the window at the 42nd floor and you're still doing fine as you pass the 27th floor, that doesn't mean you don't have a serious problem."

Charles Munger,
Vice Chairman, Berkshire Hathaway

Photo by Dean_Fikar/iStock / Getty Images

Working through distress is not a time for trial and error...
or going it alone. 

Vuelta Management works collaboratively with you and your staff, providing impartial, experienced leadership and insight to create a realistic work plan.  We develop the measurable framework needed to navigate crisis, communicate with key partners, and get your business back on track.

Our professionals use proven tools to help you implement
a successful corporate renewal effort.

"We’ve had to look at our business with an attitude of what can we do to remain in business. Hiring Vuelta Management was a wise move. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve thought we should have done this many years ago.  I was apprehensive and overwhelmed at first, thinking this would take a lot of time, but monitoring our cash flow and maintaining our budget has become a primary goal of each day.  The cash flow worksheet contains a year's worth of information, but it's broken down week by week to make sure you can stay on top of it and control your cash flow on a smaller scale before it gets out of control."

Owner, Retail Hardware Store